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Coronary Artery Centerline Tracking Using Axial Symmetries

Dikici, Engin, O'Donnell, Thomas, Grady, Leo, White, Richard
University of Florida College of Medicine-Jacksonville
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Published in The MIDAS Journal - MICCAI 2008 Workshop: Grand Challenge Coronary Artery Tracking.
Submitted by Engin Dikici on 2008-07-07T22:11:56Z.

We present a method for tracking a coronary artery centerline given a single user supplied distal endpoint. Briefly, we first isolate the aorta and compute its surface. Next, we apply a novel two-stage Hough-like election scheme to the image volume to detect points which exhibit axial symmetry (vessel centerpoints). From the axial symmetry image a graph is constructed. This graph is searched for the optimal path from the user supplied point to any point on the surface of the aorta. Our technique falls under Challenge 2 of the Coronary Artery Tracking Challenge.