MICCAI 2015 Workshop: Spectral Analysis in Medical Imaging
This workshop will provide an invaluable opportunity for researchers to present recent work on spectral analysis in medical imaging. Interactions among fellow researchers will foster a deeper understanding of the underlying concepts and will provide insights on the benefits of incorporating spectral analysis into medical imaging applications.
We gladly announce the workshop for Spectral Analysis in Medical Imaging (SAMI), which is held in conjunction with the conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI) in Munich, Germany. This workshop aims at presenting leading methods and applications for spectral analysis in medical imaging. At the core of these techniques is the spectral decomposition, also known as eigenvalue decomposition, which finds a wide range of applications in image processing and analysis. The sequence of eigenvalues (the spectrum) and eigenfunctions have properties often exploited for image segmentation, mesh matching, classification or reduction of complex data. In this workshop, we will cover theoretical contributions to spectral analysis, as well as exciting applications of spectral methods in medical image processing and analysis.