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Visualization of 4D-PET/CT, Target Volumes and Dose Distribution: Applications in Radiotherapy Planning

Schlachter, Matthias, Fechter, Tobias, Nestle, Ursula, Bühler, Katja
VRVis Research Center, Vienna, Austria
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Submitted by Matthias Schlachter on 2014-10-19 04:23:11.

In radiation treatment (RT) planning medical doctors need to consider a variety of information sources for anatomical and functional target volume delineation. The validation and inspection of the defined target volumes and the resulting RT plan is a complex task, especially in the presence of moving target areas as it is the case for tumors of the chest and the upper abdomen. A 4D-PET/CT visualization system may become a helpful tool for validating RT plans. We define major requirements such a visualization system should fulfill to provide medical doctors with the necessary visual information to validate tumor delineations, and review the dose distribution of a RT plan. We present an implementation of such a system, and present qualitative results of its applications for a lung cancer patient.